Generation Conference was wonderful!
Our young people made us very proud, as there were no problems and
everyone worked together to have a really nice few days. Not only was
the worship wonderful, and the messages life changing, but God really
met us all there. We know lives have been changed forever!
We were able to spend time with Apostle & Sister Nickles and all of
those who came up from their church. Because all of our rooms were
on the same floor, it made for wonderful fellowship.
This Wed night is our first service at the Camden Middle School!
Even though this is a new venture and we don’t have all the answers,
we do know that God is in this and we are looking forward to seeing
Him move mightily!
We are all one body & working towards the same goal, and with us
adding this new location to our services, we will simply be adding new
believers into our fellowship! Not only will this mean new friends for
all of us, but it will also mean new believers into God’s Family… which
is what He desires!
Points that we would like for you to pray with us about:
– Strength & wisdom for us as we continue to pray, hear from God, and
try to move forward into the plans that He has for us.
– Understanding for the body of Christ, so that everyone will be open &
willing to work with us in “expanding” the vision & reach of the ministry
into our communities. Sometimes change can be hard for some people,
but the bible says… God is continually changing us day by day.
– Continued open doors
*** We would also ask you to jump in & get involved in what God is doing!