Good Morning!
I hope this note finds you filled with a Merry Heart!
Look what it says in Proverbs 17:22
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit
drieth the bones.”
And I love how the “message” says it:
“A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and
doom leave you bone-tired.”
Lets really put our effort into being cheerful, not just for the
Christmas season, but in all times. I don’t know about you,
but I don’t want to be left….. bone-tired 🙂
Our Mission Statement is…
“Love God. Love People. Serve Others.”
As a church family, we want to reach out to others this
Christmas, by doing what we can to make a difference in
their lives.
This year, we have a family, who has lost everything. Not
only do they need a miracle and God’s direction, but we would
like to do our part to help bring some much needed joy in their
We are asking our Life Church family to come together, and do
what we can for this family this Christmas. I know that the
children would be especially blessed to have a few gifts that
they would otherwise not.
There will be a special “Giving Tree” in the church this Sunday.
It will be decorated with tags containing the ages/sizes/ideas for
each of the family members. Please pray about what you would
be able to do to help make this Christmas a little brighter for
this family.
** Our Youth dept. is working together to collect food for our local
food pantry. As you may have heard, the local supplies are very
low this year, as many more are finding themselves in a place of
need. We will have some boxes in the back of the church where
people can place their food gifts. We are asking for can goods or
non-perishable food items. Anything you could do would be much
* “The Gift”
Laurie Spoon is working on a multimedia Christmas production
called “The Gift” for our Christmas service this year. There will
be all sorts of various talent incorporated, to share the message
of Jesus. It will be a wonderful time to bring your family, neighbors,
and those who are still far from Christ. If you would like to
participate, please let us know (you can respond to this email,
or let us know this week).
* Silver Wings Christmas Gathering
Sunday Dec. 14th directly after service @ Donna Zacek’s home.
* Jr. Youth Christmas Party – “An Evening at The Circus”
Wed. Dec 17th 6pm – 7:15pm, Ages Preschool – 6th grade
* Youth Christmas Party – Fri Dec. 19th – 6:30pm – 8:30pm
7th grade and up
Bring a snack, 2 liter drink, and a non-perishable food item
or can-good for feeding those in need.
May you find yourself filled with joy…
We’re looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Pastors Dan & Pearl Sanborn