We wanted to share some more information about the upcoming Financial class that we will be offering called: “Financial Peace University” – by Dave Ramsey
Editor’s note: The recent Town Hall for Hope Event can be purchased as a video download, or on CD from the main website.
I know that we have been announcing the upcoming class both in church & through these email updates, but I was recently given even more information to share with everyone.
The class will begin on Monday night March 2nd @ 6:30pm.
(we changed it to Monday nights to accommodate many who were unable to make is on Sunday evenings, and hope that this will be a better night for the majority of people)
The class will be a mix of video on the big screen, and discussion time, and will be facilitated by Scott & Jaime Duck.
Here is a description of the program as given by the FPU:

- Teaches financial responsibility with easy baby steps
- Helps eliminate debt using the Debt Snowball method
- Offers accountability and continued support with lifetime membership
- Trains participants to spend every dollar on paper with the zero-based budget planner
- Empowers people struggling with financial hardships by establishing a plan to take control of their finances
The Financial Peace University Member Kit includes:
Financial Peace University Workbook
13 life-changing lessons designed to be worth $2,000-$3,000 in information and education!
All 13 Lessons on CD
Listen to the lessons anytime, or use them as a refresher once you’ve completed the program
Dave’s best-selling book, Financial Peace Revisited
Over a million have benefited from these solid financial principles of common-sense money management
Financial Peace University Envelope System
Easy cash management envelope system
Budgeting Forms
Complete set of monthly budgeting forms and examples
UPDATED Financial Peace University Bonus CD
Includes financial calculator, screen saver and more!
Two Debit Card Holders
Helps you stop busting your budget!
Tip Cards
Easy reference guides for you to use when you go out
Member Resource Center
Information about how to get started in the MRC, a free online tool with exclusive clips, stories, assignments, forums, and much more!
Here are the lesson titles
1. Super Saving
2. Relating with money
3. Cash Flow Planning
4. Dumpling Debt
5. Credit Sharks in Suits
6. Buyer Beware
7. Clause and Effect
8. That’s Not Good Enough!
9. Of Mice and Mutual Funds
10. From Fruition to Tuition
11. Working in Your Strengths
12. Real Estate and Mortgages
13. The Great Misunderstanding (Bonus Lesson)
Especially with the current economic climate in our country, people now, more than ever, need direction & Godly wisdom on how to deal with their finances.
And… this time of year, during these Winter weeks, is the perfect time to get out of the house & get involved with each other…as well as gain great financial wisdom!
We would LOVE to see as many participate as possible!