Pastor Jonnie will be sharing an exciting new class for the next 4-5 weeks, called:
Just Walk Across The Room
The class will be based from a book written by Pastor Bill Hybels.
We will learn how to help others meet God, and why it’s important. There will also be solid advice on evangelism, without sounding like you’re checking items off of your spiritual list.
We will learn to live in 3-D (find out what those 3 D’s are in the class), and be challenged to move beyond our insulated vacuum world of our own. We will explore “the power of story” and to learn how to tell our own spiritual stories concisely and effectively.
We are not only looking forward to what we will learn together in this new class, but also to hearing the testimonies of how the body has applied the knowledge by helping people find life & hope in Christ!
We want to encourage everyone to get involved in this class, as we know the principles being taught are God’s will for our lives as Christ followers!
Location: At the Rome Campus
Day: Tuesday evenings
Time: 7pm